this town in is having its roads tested, what a hassle!

this town in is having its roads tested, what a hassle!
this town in Calvados is having its roads tested, what a hassle!


Christopher Lebranchu

Published on

September 26, 2024 at 12:06 p.m.

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A climb worthy of Tour de pass !

If the comparison is deliberately exaggerated, the effort made is not. Rue Basselin (our photo), at Vire (), to get out of the car park where two “PMR” spaces and public toilets are located, you must have “legs” to get to the upper level, Place Nationale, and then head towards the city center or the nearby CCAS.

It is not Marianne Marguerite who will say the opposite. Social life manager atEhpad Symphoniashe volunteered to test the facilities and roads in Vire.

She was accompanied that day by Fernand Challes. Aged 84, he walks perfectly, “even if I go slowly,” he smiles. For the test, he will be in a wheelchairpushed by Marianne. And this steep street is definitely not easy. Fernand will even have to get off the chair. The climb had become too steep. “It’s the Vire typologywe are not going to change it, but adjustments are possible which can change the daily lives of certain people », Marianne is convinced.

Access to sanitary facilities is checked. ©Christopher LEBRANCHU
Videos: currently on Actu
disability Vire
Around twenty people experienced the city’s amenities. ©Christopher LEBRANCHU

“We need to think about improvements”

Fernand and Marianne are among the volunteers who spent part of the day wander the streets of Vire. With elected officials and technicians from the City, around twenty others able-bodied peoplecarrying a disabilityof the seniors and one childminder in strollers tested the facilities or noted the absence of equipment.

disability Vire
In wheelchairs or strollers, difficulties quickly appear. ©Christopher LEBRANCHU

They also have visited businessesof the tourist places and cmedical practices. The inventory of means of mobility (bus, taxi, on-demand transport) was also carried out.

” This immersion must make it possible to create an evaluation”, underlines Françoise Foubert, the elected official at the origin of this inclusive day.

We need to think about improvements. Not everything will happen with the wave of a magic wand, but a start is necessary.

Nicole Demsottes, mayor of Vire Normandy.
disability Vire
Manon Jacqueline, from the MFR, tested the course as a hearing impaired person. ©Christopher LEBRANCHU
disability Vire
Also at the MFR, Guillaume Troprès was visually impaired during the course. ©Christopher LEBRANCHU

This experiment must highlight the difficulties of getting around in the city. A overhang too large of a sidewalk, a garage exit not suitablepaving stones or sidewalks too highor even incivility with trash cans left on the sidewalk all week. All this is as much of obstacles for a certain part of the population. This must be taken into account. Hence this immersion. The result of this day will be known before the end of the year. It will then be time to think about concrete solutions.

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