work to revegetate the greenway between Saint-Geniès des Mourgues and Boisseron

Start of revegetation work on the V70 greenway in October, between Saint-Geniès des Mourgues and Boisseron in Hérault.

THE Department of Hérault launches a new phase of landscaping on the V70 greenway, which crosses the municipalities of Saint-Geniès-des-Mourgues, Entre-Vignes and Boisseron. From October, revegetation work will begin for a period of three months.

This greenway, 8.5 km long, follows an old railway line and connects Saint-Geniès-des-Mourgues to Boisseron. It constitutes an important link in Véloroute n°70, a national axis which allows you to reach Palavas from Boisseron.

After rehabilitation of engineering structures and road work carried out between 2021 and 2022, the next stage concerns the beautification of the surroundings of this cycle path. The project plans to plant more than 3,000 young plants, 110 shrubs and 100 trees adapted to the climatic conditions of the region. These plants will enrich the bucolic setting of the path, while creating islands of freshness for walkers.

The operation also aims to promote biodiversity by providing a welcoming habitat for local wildlife. This project, carried out in partnership with Méditerranée Métropole, strengthens the tourist appeal of the greenway while providing ecological benefits. The work requires special precautions. The Department therefore recommends caution to cyclists and walkers who will be traveling near construction areas.



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