Weather: Seine-et- placed on orange alert due to flood risk: News

Weather: Seine-et- placed on orange alert due to flood risk: News
Weather: Seine-et-Marne placed on orange alert due to flood risk: News

Météo- placed Seine-et- on orange alert on Thursday due to the risk of flooding, and maintained the departments of Isère, Ain, Savoie and Haute-Savoie on orange alert for rain and flooding.

In Seine-et-Marne, the orange flood alert is explained by the risks of the Grand Morin river overflowing, according to the latest update from the meteorological service.

On the other hand, the departments of Corrèze and Jura (rain-flood) have returned to yellow.

“A very rainy disturbance will continue for a good part of the end of the day on an axis going from the east of New Aquitaine to the Northern Alps and the Jura”, indicates Météo-France.

In the departments targeted by the orange alert, “accumulations could easily reach 50 to 80 mm in 12 hours of almost continuous rain, or even 70 to 100 mm over the entire episode”.

The most intense rains will occur at the end of the day or the following night in Savoie and Haute-Savoie, predicts Météo-France, adding that “overflowing rivers or mudslides are possible”.

published on September 26 at 8:26 p.m., AFP




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