Silicon Valais 2024: An edition…

Silicon Valais 2024: An edition…
Silicon Valais 2024: An edition…

The Valais IT back-to-school season that took place on Friday, September 13, 2024 exceeded all expectations with more than 240 participants. This edition was marked by enriching exchanges and intergenerational connections, all in a friendly atmosphere around a raclette

Many thanks to the students in Business Information Technology at HES-SO Valais-Wallis, who presented their bachelor’s projects brilliantly. Congratulations also to the best apprentices in IT and mediamatics, rewarded by the ICT Valais-Wallis association for their excellence.

We warmly thank the Ark Foundation for its support and the organization of its side-event during this event.

Finally, a special thank you to Professors Jean-Pierre Rey and Dominique Genoud for their final lesson on the history of computing in Valais and for giving us an overview of the evolution of research projects in Artificial Intelligence carried out within the Computer Science Research Institute of the HES-SO Valais-Wallis. Their insights optimistically showed how humans, thanks to their ability to adapt and innovate, remain at the heart of these technologies and their future evolution.

We look forward to seeing you on Friday 12.09.2025 for the next edition!

Digital Team Academy: An action learning experience by Jean-Pierre Rey




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