Storm and wind warning in -Pas-de- tonight, before a milder weekend

Storm and wind warning in -Pas-de- tonight, before a milder weekend
Storm and wind warning in Nord-Pas-de-Calais tonight, before a milder weekend

Storm Aitor began to hit the Alps and Ain this Thursday. The cause was a major conflict of masses between polar air and mild air, creating a “ atmospheric river “, explains Météo . The institute was worried at the beginning of the week for Hauts-de-France, announcing a weather “ very disturbed” : “ The three-day rainfall accumulations could become a concern.” The and Pas-de- could ultimately be relatively spared by Aitor. After a difficult night, the weekend looks a bit mild.

Wind gusts

Aitor will strike mainly during the night from Thursday to Friday: the two departments are on yellow alert for storms and winds, as well as rain-flooding for Pas-de-Calais. Thunderstorms are forecast throughout the territory tonight, particularly in Arrageois and Flanders. Strong gusts of wind are expected: between 75 and 90 km/h on the coast, between 45 and 60 km/h inland (with peaks of 75 km/h in Audomarois). The greatest caution is required: on May 23, during a yellow alert, lightning killed one man and injured three in Courrières.

Sunshine this weekend

It will still be rainy on Friday, with some risk of thunderstorms in Calais. The weather will be much better on Saturday and Sunday. Sunshine is expected in the North and Pas-de-Calais all weekend, with perhaps a few clouds on Sunday, but no rain. Good news in the middle of a fortnight of showers. On the other hand, temperatures will not exceed 15°C. The wind will drop below 60 km/h.



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