How to try to solve illegal emigration by creating jobs. By Demba Talibe Mbaye

How to try to solve illegal emigration by creating jobs. By Demba Talibe Mbaye
How to try to solve illegal emigration by creating jobs. By Demba Talibe Mbaye

Faced with this problem, our new authorities have a challenge to face, they have inherited a difficult situation, that is to say a high youth unemployment rate thirty-five (35%), seventy-five (75%) of the population are young and under 35 years old.

These young people are faced with a low level of education and a lack of professional training which prevents them from accessing trades or jobs.

To solve this problem, we need to create jobs that do not require a lot of professional experience. These types of jobs are very common in agriculture and industry. Also, create vocational schools to train young people in new professions in the oil and gas industry and new digital technologies.
In this sense, we offer job creation opportunities in the fields of agriculture, livestock, fishing and crafts.

I. Agriculture

In the field of agriculture, we rely on the creation of an agricultural cooperative. This will bring together economic interest groups (GIE). Its board will be elected by all the groups and its operating mode will be defined by the latter. It will be responsible for marketing and market research.

At the level of the Ministry of Agriculture, a structure is needed which will facilitate the creation of economic interest groups (GIE), it will be represented in each department and will be responsible for supervising them in the legal field.

The economic interest group (GIE) will be made up of young agricultural entrepreneurs who will be trained in agricultural entrepreneurship and financial management.

In each department the structure will make a call for applications, the size of the group will depend on the choice of its members.

The agricultural and technical advisory component is provided by existing structures (SAED; ANCAR, SONACOS, ISRA, etc.). Financing is managed by banks, microfinance institutions and others (DER, ANPEJ, etc.)
The type of speculation will depend on each region or department.
For training: the structure that will take care of the agricultural and technical aspect will train young people in the profession while the financial management technique will be the domain of other structures such as the DER, the ANPEJ, etc.

The State, in collaboration with local authorities, will provide economic interest groups (GIEs) with registered land that can be used as collateral in banks. Each cooperative sets annual objectives for each economic interest group.

For example, for the department of , the speculation will be rice; the State supports them with a local consumption policy.

The State will also support the local private sector in the sale of agricultural machinery and after-sales service.

The State in collaboration with the financial structure grants a subsidy to the members of the GIE, a minimum wage that will stop at the first harvest. Training workshops will often be organized for agricultural entrepreneurs in order to improve their professional knowledge.

For agriculture, we are facing difficulties that are linked to consumption patterns. Indeed, we have inherited a type of consumption of imported products that is causing us a lot of harm on our trade balance. The correction will be done by raising awareness among the population and by state measures to protect our agricultural entrepreneurs.

This cooperative model will be replicated in regions where horticulture is practiced.
Agriculture will be accompanied by industrialization. Indeed, the national private sector will be welcome for the establishment of agricultural product processing industries (fruits, vegetables).

Then, with the creation of water highways by the Ministry of Hydraulics, the problem of water availability throughout the year will be resolved, the cooperatives will be able to make two to three speculations in the year.
Therefore, with the practice of this organizational model, food self-sufficiency can be achieved.


In the field of artisanal fishing, the same type of organization will be maintained. The only difference will be in the marketing, which will be provided by fishmongers in the form of an economic interest group (GIE).

In each region where fishing is practiced, a professional training center to train young people in fishing professions; although this sector has a large workforce that needs to be trained on the job.

Financing will be provided by banks, microfinance institutions and other financing structures (DER etc.)

In collaboration with the financial structure, a minimum salary will be granted to the members of the GIE over a short period because the sale of the product is done within a short time frame.
Fish farming is also another source of employment, the same cooperatives will be able to organize them, they will allow production on a scale for a larger market.

Representatives of the cooperatives will take part in decisions for the allocation of fishing licenses between Senegal, the Republic of Mauritania and Guinea. The cooperatives will play a key role in raising awareness for the fight against illegal emigration.
Although industrial fishing plays an important role in the national economy, it must be regulated so as not to impact on artisanal fishing.


This is a very difficult sector to control because its players adhere to a traditional practice. We will try to make it professional. It is important to make an exhaustive census of the national livestock. It will be the same type of organization as with the cooperatives.

We will have cooperatives for meat production, milk production, skin processing and agricultural fertilizers.

Poultry farming is an activity well mastered by its actors because the added value chain is well controlled, it only remains to organize them in the form of a cooperative to enable them to conquer other markets in the sub-region. Young people will be trained and oriented towards this sector.

A minimum wage must always be granted to the entrepreneur during his launch phase until the beginning of production, in this case the cooperative, the financial structure and the authorities will define the model to be applied, either a subsidy or a long-term loan.
Beekeeping also requires organization; its market exists and is very large. It requires small bottling units and compliance with the legislation of the countries to be exported. For example, Maghreb and Arab countries love Senegalese honey.


In this sector the same type of organization will be applied with cooperatives. It is composed of several trades such as clothing and fashion, leather goods and shoemaking, embroidery and dyeing, jewelry, etc. The cooperative of each trade will ensure production and sale on a global scale.

For example, in the clothing and fashion sector, in particular tailors, dressmakers and stylists, we have detected a vast Spanish market during the summer period. This market has a potential of fifty million (50,000,000) tourists each year. Tailor cooperatives make African and modern outfits for export. The products will be marketed by Senegalese residents in Spain. Hence another source of employment.

It is a disaster for all African countries, here in Senegal we have solutions that can mitigate it. Our country has an agreement with the Kingdom of Spain on regular emigration. We propose to the State to create a structure that will take care of the candidate from here and in Spain.

The Spanish seasonal employment market is very large but we must avoid the same mistakes of the past with successive governments. Candidates have disappeared into thin air once they have arrived. Which very often cancels contracts.
On the other hand, the Moroccans are doing very well with the French authorities by respecting their commitment.

Demba Talibe Mbaye
Graduate Management option: Audit/Management control ENA
President Movement And Defar Sunu Reew
Head of the Coalition External Relations Commission
Diomaye Departmental President of Saint Louis



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