Bart De Wever will report to the King on Monday… before a new extension of his mission

Back in the saddle on 2 September, the president of the N-VA had three weeks before returning to the King. From the outset, he announced that the TGV he had hoped for after the elections of 9 June had turned into an omnibus. Discussions resumed in thematic working groups but the objective of forming a government before the local elections of 13 October fizzled out. Discussions have not yet resumed around a “super note” on reforms in terms of taxation, employment and pensions coupled with the development of a budgetary framework.

In the meantime, negotiations to form a Flemish government are progressing and the prospect of an agreement by 13 October is emerging. However, they involve three of the five parties expected to form a federal majority, namely the N-VA, Vooruit and the CD&V. What is more, the campaign for the local elections is underway and requires time on the part of the political staff.

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The main negotiators had agreed to meet every Friday at noon to take stock, but the meeting did not take place this time and, at this time, no new meeting was scheduled before Monday, we learned from a reliable source.



PREV Bart De Wever will report to the King on Monday… before a new extension of his mission
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