Federal finances: Without the contribution of the Confederation, the end of swissinfo.ch

Federal finances: Without the contribution of the Confederation, the end of swissinfo.ch
Federal finances: Without the contribution of the Confederation, the end of swissinfo.ch

“The SSR considers that the removal of this offer would be serious and very problematic both for the 813,000 Swiss abroad and for Switzerland’s presence abroad,” writes the SSR in a position statement addressed to Keystone-ATS.

“On the one hand, the 5th Switzerland would be deprived of a strong link with Switzerland and of daily coverage adapted to the needs of this important community. On the other hand, Switzerland would significantly limit its influence, its ability to explain its priorities and decisions or to promote its artists and cultural productions abroad,” states the SSR.

The Confederation’s contribution for foreign countries amounts to 19 million francs. The SSR finances this mandate with an equal amount from the share of the licence fee.

Successor to Swiss Radio International

In addition to swissinfo.ch, a news platform in ten languages, the foreign offering also includes the Italian-language site tvsvizzera.it as well as collaboration with the international television channels TV5 Monde and 3sat.

The Swiss Media Union (SSM) said on Friday that it was shocked by the Federal Council’s proposal, calling it a new blow to the Swiss media sector. Around a hundred permanent employees and more than 100 independent workers would lose their jobs, the SSM noted.

The successor to Swiss Radio International, a shortwave news service launched in 1935, swissinfo.ch has already undergone major restructuring in the past. In 2004, the SSR announced the loss of 35 of its 147 jobs. The same year, the media outlet stopped its radio programmes abroad.

At the end of 2011, the SSR decided to cut 40 of its 126 positions. The budget of 26 million was then reduced by a third. The mandate for foreign countries was then regularly extended by the Federal Council.




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