SENEGAL-AGRICULTURE / The general director of SAED promises to come to the aid of rice farmers in Diawara – Senegalese Press Agency

SENEGAL-AGRICULTURE / The general director of SAED promises to come to the aid of rice farmers in Diawara – Senegalese Press Agency
SENEGAL-AGRICULTURE / The general director of SAED promises to come to the aid of rice farmers in Diawara – Senegalese Press Agency

Bakel, 19 Sept (APS) – The Director General of SAED, Alassane Ba, promised, Thursday, to provide assistance to rice farmers in Diawara (east) faced with a lack of agricultural equipment and poor development of land intended for rice cultivation.

“I am in Bakel to inquire about the winter situation, identify the difficulties faced by producers and find solutions for them,” he said during a visit to Diawara, a commune located in the department of Bakel.

Mr Ba met with local rice farmers, including members of the Bangassy Economic Interest Group.

The commune of Diawara is a rice-growing area par excellence, recalled the general director of SAED, emphasizing that it concentrates significant potential for rice cultivation.

He noted a glaring lack of agricultural equipment in this local authority.

“We are fixing it.”

Tractors, combine harvesters, motor pumps and other equipment must be made available to rice farmers, said Alassane Ba, considering that rice lands have been poorly developed.

“We are fixing it,” he assured.

The Regional Support Project for the Sahel Irrigation Initiative and the Agricultural Development and Rural Entrepreneurship Support Program are helping governments improve land use planning, according to Mr. Ba.

Diawara was the first stop on the two-day visit that the Director General of the Senegal River Delta and Falémé Land Development and Exploitation Company has been making to this part of the country since Thursday.





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