Three-year-old boy escapes school surveillance and walks home

Three-year-old boy escapes school surveillance and walks home

The boy walked for a few minutes until he arrived in front of his building. He was taken care of by a mother who had noticed the abnormal situation. The child’s parents filed a complaint for “endangering the lives of others”.

A three-year-old child alone in the street for several minutes. In Torcy on Thursday, September 5, a kindergarten student escaped the vigilance of adults and left his school alone to walk home, reports Le Parisien on Wednesday, September 11.

Paul (his first name has been changed) was supposed to eat lunch in the canteen for the first time in the nursery school. But his mother received a call from the headmistress at midday to tell her about a “problem”.

His son got in the wrong line at lunchtime, the one for kids who don’t go to the canteen, and he left the school. “Luckily, a road worker spotted him and informed a mother. She started following him to our door code where he was frantically typing. That’s when she took charge of him,” says Paul’s mother.

A complaint against X filed

Worried, the latter asked the director what condition her son was in. “She assured me: ‘He’s doing very well’. “Her detachment shocked me,” confided the mother, reproaching the director for having told her “that all you have to do is turn your head and a child will leave before you realize it.”

According to the inspection, the child was not considered to be registered in the canteen and “a problem of transmission between the town hall and the school may have existed”. The director apologized for the situation.

The same day, the mother filed a complaint against an unknown person for “endangering the lives of others” with the Torcy police station, according to Le Parisien. She also requested a change of class, which was refused. “We just got the Atsem to keep an eye on him” after meeting with the district inspector, she claims.

For his part, Paul has returned to school and met with a psychologist. But his mother has noticed a change in her son’s behavior, assuring that “as soon as we move away, he looks for us, whereas before he played alone.”


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