Vayrac. Veterans in Spain

Vayrac. Veterans in Spain
Vayrac. Veterans in Spain

As every year, members of the Association of Veterans and Prisoners of War – Algerian-Tunisian-Morocco Combatants (ACPG-CATM) of Vayrac treat themselves to a family pleasure trip of a few days, often in Spain. This was the case again this year from August 25 to 28 with the Fitour Voyages agency for around thirty people and a full program of visits.

On Sunday 25th August, it’s Ampuriabrava, one of the jewels of the Costa Brava, also called “the Spanish or Catalan Venice”, and a boat trip on the canals and a visit to the marina. Return to Rosas, where the hotel is located for the stay, and a walk through the city, a former Greek colony.

The next day, Monday 26 August, we head to Cadaqués and then return via Llaça and Port de la Selva. The afternoon is dedicated to visiting Girona, a true crossroads of religions over the centuries with its medieval architecture, its old quarter surrounded by walls (Barri Vell) and the Roman ruins of the Força Vella fortress.

Tuesday, August 27, visit of Collioure with its fortified church and visit of the workshops of preparation of the canned anchovies with tasting of course. Then Figueras and the theater-museum Dali which presents more than 1,500 works, the Torre Galatea. As every day, it is a dance evening which closes the day.

Wednesday, August 28th, is the end of the stay: on the way to Lake Banyoles, the village of Besalù, one of the best-preserved medieval complexes in Catalonia and its fortified bridge built in the 12th century over the Fluvià river, and finally departure for the Lot.

All the participants, delighted with the trip, declared themselves very satisfied with the organization of these four days.



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