The CFA is back to school – Mo News

The CFA is back to school – Mo News
The CFA is back to school – Mo News

As the first years returned to school this Tuesday, it was surrounded by her first vice-president Dominique Mangal and Joël Sunther, director of the CFA, that Vernita Blacodon, president of the Chamber of Trades and Crafts of the Guyana region, took stock of the new features put in place for this school year within her training center (CFA).


Every year, this figure is constantly changing. For this new school year, we are starting with a workforce of around 300 apprentices. “, announces Joël Sunther, director of the CFA.

The Apprentice Training Center of the Chamber of Trades and Crafts of Guyana has been training Guyanese artisans since 1982. Each year, it welcomes minors and adults up to the age of 29 seeking training.

* New training courses

1 – A professional title “commis de cuisine”: For this new school year, a partnership between the training center and the RSMA was signed. Ten apprentices therefore began this 18-month training on August 26. This is a training that is done in 6-6-6. This means 6 months at the RSMA, 6 months at the CFA, and 6 months in alternation “, specifies the director of the CFA.

2 – Training for the transport of goods: Since August 19, and until September 27, 14 people are following a requalification training for transporters of goods of more than 3.5 tons. This training was designed in agreement with the UGTR, chaired by Dominique Mangal. For this training, we called upon a professional trainer from . Transport is a highly regulated sector that is constantly evolving. It is important for us to have well-trained professionals “, he says. He continues: ” At the end of this training, those who wish may possibly take the national exam. »

By December, training courses for butchers and fishmongers should be available. An agreement with the Yves Rocher brand has also been put in place for apprenticeships. We will select apprentices and offer them a job dating session “, adds the director of the CFA.

* Works

Complete renovation of the car park, thorough cleaning of the roof, stripping of the walls, installation of new floor coverings and upgrading of the electrical installations… A lot of rehabilitation work was carried out during the summer holidays. This work was made possible in particular thanks to the volunteering of partner companies, underlines the president.

* New workshops

In addition to the renovation work, workshops that had been closed for a long time have reopened for the start of the school year.
The refrigeration and air conditioning workshop has been completely redone to allow our young people to work in better conditions, with suitable tools. The electrical workshop, which was small, has become a huge workshop. Machines will be installed. They were already there, but they were not yet in service. We have also re-equipped the metalwork workshop with new equipment. During the work, a classroom was also added inside “, says Vernita Blacodon. Each workshop can accommodate between 15 and 18 apprentices.
We will continue work in other sections during the year “, confirms Joël Sunther.

* An off-site CFA

Here is a corrected version of the text:

We have set ourselves the goal of putting everything in place next year. Currently, we need to change and move the Saint-Laurent annex, because it is necessary to best support business leaders in this locality. We also want to set up training on tax exemption and tax credit, as well as help business leaders better understand a balance sheet, because some encounter difficulties in this area. We have several agreements in the process of being set up to support artisans in their relations with banks. We always work in collaboration with the RSMA, the Saint-Laurent town hall, and the mayor of Saint-Laurent, who is very attentive to the issues of youth. “, informs Vernita Blacodon about the future CFA.

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