At SAS Metha LBMH in Juvigny-les-Vallées (Manche) | Methanization: open house on September 21 and 22

At SAS Metha LBMH in Juvigny-les-Vallées (Manche) | Methanization: open house on September 21 and 22
At SAS Metha LBMH in Juvigny-les-Vallées (Manche) | Methanization: open house on September 21 and 22

There is not just one type of methanization “, confided Marie Guilet, director of Biomasse Normandie several months ago. This is the case in , a region which has 204 installations at the end of July 2024, 54 of which operate by injection into the gas networks.

After 3 years of operation

One of them will open its doors on September 21 and 22. It is based in the south of Manche, on the La Bazoge site, a town associated with Juvigny-les-Vallées. At the head of this structure: two farms managed by the Hamel and Legeard families grouped together within the company SAS Métha LBMH. With a power of 180 Nm3/h, this unit was put into service in March 2021. Even though ” It was a long journey “After three years of operation, this unit meets their expectations. Producing green gas and generating additional income while securing livestock farming remains their leitmotif and their challenge.” It is easier to install young people by securing an income for 15 years with the resale of energy “, confided the site manager, Bruno Legeard, one of the partners of the Gaec of the same name.

A virtuous image

In this installation, methane is controlled and recovered. As for CO emissions2 in the atmosphere, it is no more important than the pile of manure. But SAS Métha LBMH does not stop progressing. If the CO recuperator2 is scheduled for the end of the year, ” We have been involved in a green gas certification process for a year now “, the breeders emphasize. An approach that is part of the European Red II directive (renewable energy directive). An important concept in their eyes in order to produce sustainable gas.

“Commit to a green gas certification process to be completely virtuous.” Nicole and Bruno Legeard of SAS Métha LBMH

This is something that is essential. It is a greener means of production. And it also allows us to have a more virtuous image in the eyes of people. “, insists the farmer, thanks also to a developing market. Everything is mapped out. And this is among other things what the LBMH partners will be able to explain during these two days of open house.

A first for the general public

SAS méta LBMH regularly welcomes groups, elected officials and schools that request it. But this is a first for the general public. Until now, we have never held an open house. This is really the first “, says Nicole Legeard, one of the partners. If the acceptability of the project and communication are key steps, they also remain so once the installation is up and running.” These days are really there to introduce methanization to the general public “, she assures. So, in small groups of around fifteen people, they will lead the visit by explaining their daily lives, their approach, their vision and their feedback three years after its implementation. All while trying to dispel preconceived ideas.

A turn to take

Creating a methanization unit is a turning point to take. This is what the two families of farmers who remain convinced that Methanization helps strengthen agricultural activities and make them safer “, concludes Bruno Legeard, president of Métha LBMH, today a farmer-methanizer.

What are the open doors?

In the Channel

SAS Métha LBMH, 3538 Route de Saint-Hilaire-du-Harcouët, Juvigny-les-Vallées (La Bazoge-Manche), September 21 and 22, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. depart every hour. Contact and information: Bruno Legeard, [email protected].

In Orne

SAS Agriméthane en Ouche, La Maladrie, Saint-Symphorien-des-Bruyères (61), Saturday September 21 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tours depart every 1/2 hour. Contact and information: Flora Rouille, [email protected].



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