Employment. Great success for the Voix du Jura job dating


Pierre Chemel

Published on

Sep 17, 2024 at 10:25 p.m.

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For the third consecutive year, hosted the job dating event organized by Voice of the Jura And - Tuesday, September 17. After two editions organized at the Commanderie, the 2024 edition moved to Dolexpo, with the participation of around twenty recruiters.

326 candidates

326 candidates entered the Dole exhibition center, including Florent, 36, from Rye, a graduate in business management and “looking for a job in banking, logistics or watchmaking.” Béatrice, 43, an accounting assistant based in Dole, submitted “around ten CVs with a view to being contacted again.”

“Ultra-shortage” sectors

Job seekers, employees looking for a reconversionstudents looking for an internship oralternation… Throughout the afternoon, there were many contacts.

Beautiful collections of resume on the recruiters’ side. At Randstad’s medical and social branch, “the sector is extremely short, we have retained 11 CVs, so the results are super interesting,” confided the recruiter present.
At the Intermarché Dole du Jura logistics base stand, several good CVs were also collected.

October 8 in Arbois

“Job dating allows for a direct face-to-face exchange, it’s a real plus for forming an opinion on the candidate and conversely it allows the candidate to find out about the company and the sector of activity,” explains Manon, recruitment manager at Les Mousquetaires.

Next job dating in Arbois on Tuesday, October 8. Once again, entry will be free, open to all, without appointment. Equipped with a CV and their motivation, candidates will be able to exchange with as many companies as they wish. They can already submit their CV and cover letter on jobdating.-.

Videos: currently on News
The entrance of Dolexpo on Tuesday September 17 during the Voix du Jura job dating. (©Pierre Chemel / Voice of Jura)
Exhibitors at the Voix du Jura job dating event at Dolexpo on Tuesday, September 17. (©Pierre Chemel / Voice of Jura)
A candidate received at the stand of the Intermarché logistics base in Dole du Jura.
A candidate received at the stand of the Intermarché logistics base in Dole du Jura. (©Pierre Chemel / Voice of Jura)
A candidate received at the army stand during the job dating organized by Voix du Jura and - at Dolexpo on Tuesday September 17.
A candidate received at the army stand during the job dating organized by Voix du Jura and - at Dolexpo on Tuesday September 17. (©Pierre Chemel / Voice of Jura)
Exhibitors at the Voix du Jura job dating event at Dolexpo on Tuesday, September 17.
Exhibitors at the Voix du Jura job dating event at Dolexpo on Tuesday, September 17. In the foreground, the town of Dole and the Grand Dole. (©Pierre Chemel / Voice of Jura)

Arbois job dating: Tuesday, October 8 from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the Arbois sports hall, in partnership with Cœur du Jura.
Free entry for the public. More information on: jobdating.-
For companies wishing to reserve a stand, a few places are still available. Contact Annie Préaud on 06 07 14 84 72.

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