Who wants to find millions to save Fort Boyard?

Sire, it would be easier to grasp the moon with your teeth than to attempt such a task here.” Good old Vauban was perhaps right when he spoke in this way to King Louis XIV, who listened to him. More than a century later, no one whispered in the ear of Napoleon Bonaparte, then First Consul. And the project was launched in 1802. This is how today, the Department of Charente-Maritime finds itself with a Fort Boyard on its hands. A nugget in the form of a poisoned chalice.

In a worrying state

It is certain that the building flies the flag for the department. Above all, thanks to the TV game show of the same name, which has entertained crowds for thirty-five years and has been exported to more than 70 countries. If the “fort of the useless” has never fulfilled its defensive function of the arsenal, it will at least have served as an emblem to attract tourists. But set in the middle of the 5.5-kilometer pass between Aix and Oléron, battered by the sea, assailed by the wind and whipped by storms, this giant with feet of clay has been tiring since the 1960s. Its condition has even been described as worrying.

Fort Boyard was abandoned in the 1980s, just before the Charente-Maritime Department bought it.

South West Archives

Sylvie Marcilly, head of the Department, said it well on Monday, September 16, at a public meeting in Fouras: “I will not be the president who lets Fort Boyard fall!” As noted. The work will begin for three years, from 2025 to 2028, with 2024 devoted to consultations, studies, public inquiry and authorizations. Cost of this titanic project: 44 million euros. For the time being, only 3 million have been acquired under the State-Region plan, as well as the support of the Ministry of Culture, the Region and the Department. How much? Nothing has been set.

If each of the 60 million French people gives 50 cents, we no longer have a problem.

President Marcilly said in a meeting, “We’re going to hit everyone.” Her fellow departmental councilor, Ghislaine Guillen, supported: “We are all ambassadors of Fort Boyard. We are calling on everyone. I calculated that if each of the 60 million French people gave 50 cents, we would no longer have a problem.” If it were that simple, everyone would know about it.

Of course, Télévisions and ALP, which broadcast and produce the game show, will help, not with hard cash, but by broadcasting documentaries and messages. The Fondation du patrimoine and Stéphane Bern with his Loto du patrimoine will also support. Companies will also be solicited for sponsorship. Who else, like this individual who has already sent a check for 5,000 euros, will get involved? The charm offensive on Monday evening in Fouras was intended to convince, in any case.

Recreate identically

In any case, the fort is there, before our eyes, and no one wants to let it sink. There is an urgent need to act. Because the oval it shows in an aerial photograph does not at all reflect its original state. Under the effect of the elements, Boyard has gradually seen its spur disappear at the front, its landing haven at the back, while the risberm (stone embankment around the fort) is gradually fraying. Its foundations are in danger and major cracks are appearing on the exterior parts when it is not the vault stones that are coming loose inside.

View of Fort Boyard at the beginning of the 20th century. It still has its stone protections.

Gauverat Fund, ADCM

According to the audit carried out in 2019, there is a need to recreate the protective works, otherwise, it is certain ruin. We do not know when, but it will come. It would be a shame to see this military building, classified as a Historic Monument, swallowed up for lack of repair. Napoleon wanted it; his nephew Napoleon III saw it completed in 1866; its owner today will not let it drown.

In 2028, Fort Boyard will appear before our eyes as it originally did.

In 2028, Fort Boyard will appear before our eyes as it originally did.

ETPO Group

“The goal is to recreate the historic building,” announced Mathieu Barbier, director of the departmental service of the sea and the coastline, on Monday evening. Even if the protections, monoliths and built on land before being transported by flotation to the fort, will be designed in concrete, “there will be a lot of work to restore the color and texture on the layout and the stamping.”

The mooring harbour will be installed in the summer of 2026; the spur a year later. “In the meantime, we will take back the berm during low tides with a high coefficient and the harbour will serve as a logistics platform.” Once the stone vessel has regained its solidity, the restoration of the fort itself can follow. Well, in theory, because its cost is not included in the 44 million euros…

In 2028, Boyard, which will be open to visitors, should therefore appear as it was born one hundred and sixty years ago. And for another hundred years if it is well maintained as it was from the outset until its abandonment by the army in 1913. And then? We’ll see. First we have to find the millions.



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