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In South Vendée, mobility is the main obstacle for young people

In South Vendée, mobility is the main obstacle for young people
In South Vendée, mobility is the main obstacle for young people

Mobility is the main obstacle for young people in South Vendée. This was the observation made during the general meeting of the Local Mission in Rives-d’Autise (Vendée). 71% of them don’t really have the means to get around. So, 2024 is the year of mobility. We want to be able to meet a real need,” says Yveline Thibault, accompanied by Delphine Barré, the director.

To achieve this, three formulas have been put in place, including the youth aid fund, through which ten permits have been financed by the departmental council in exchange for 60 hours of civic activity.

Mobili’terre, which raises awareness of the carbon footprint among young people in schools in the Vendée Sèvre Autise community of communes, offers a civic service aimed at gathering user needs.

As for on-demand transport, it consists of making a reservation for a trip within the territory, managed by the regional council. For example, Lola, 18, from Chaillé-les-Marais, uses this means to go to the Luçon Local Mission.

Advisors in fifteen reception centers

The local mission also has advisors in fifteen reception centers. “They support young people from South Vendée between the ages of 16 and 25 and build their paths: 1,550 were followed in 2023.” And the team continued: “We are here for listen to young people and enable them to become independent through work, to find a place in society.”

Young people also benefited from long journeys via Erasmus, without post-bac conditions, by going abroad for three months as part of a follow-up. Some have discovered Malta, the Slavic countries or the former Yugoslavia.

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