“Zero long-term unemployment territories is a local development project”

“Zero long-term unemployment territories is a local development project”
“Zero long-term unemployment territories is a local development project”

The TZCLD experiment seems to have disappeared from the radar of the State policy aimed at making access to employment a priority. How do you explain this lack of interest?

For the time being, the experiment is still financed by the Ministry of Labor and not by a transfer of social security contributions, as provided for in the project. The result is a policy of fits and starts. The transfer of revenue is a complex process and no one is working on it, apart from the national association and the TZCLD experiment fund.

However, this is the first condition for a generalization, which should be concretized by a third law. After the vote of the second, in December 2020, which obliges the departments to participate financially in the experiment, several departmental councils have …

[70% reste à lire]

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  • “Experimenting with the right to employment”, ed. ATD Quart Monde, April 2024.


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