a new director at the Chinon nuclear power plant

a new director at the Chinon nuclear power plant
a new director at the Chinon nuclear power plant

Nicolas André has been the new director of the Chinon nuclear power plant since September 9, 2024. He succeeds Stéphane Rivas, director since 2021, who is joining the central services in at the Nuclear Directorate.

He comes from Loir-et-Cher

The new director arrives from the Saint-Laurent-des-Eaux site (Loir-et-Cher) which he has managed since 2019. In a press release, at 53 years old, Nicolas André says “ happy to return to the Chinon power station (he joined EDF in 1996 and notably spent time in Touraine)an emblematic site of French civil nuclear power, for a new industrial challenge in cooperation with all the players in the region”.

Nicolas André will notably have to implement the 40th anniversary visits to three units and support the territory’s application to obtain two new reactors. “My short-term priority is to meet with the plant teams who are currently working with our industrial partners to reconnect units B2 and B3 to the network, which have been in scheduled maintenance shutdowns since this summer, to ensure the expected production.”



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