This resident of Maine-et- is in the running for the national title of “Miss grandmother celebrating”

Resident at the Brion nursing home, east of Beaufort-en-Vallée in Maine-et-, Marie Lemonnier has just been elected “Miss grandmother in celebration 2004 ”. She is in the running for the national title.

Marie Lemonnier, 91, is in the running for the national title. | CO – LAURENT COMBET

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  • Marie Lemonnier, 91, is in the running for the national title. | CO – LAURENT COMBET

Marie Lemonnier, resident at the Jardins d’Iroise nursing home in Brion, won the title of “Miss grandmother celebrating Pays de la Loire 2024”. This 91-year-old nonagenarian was elected “Miss grandmother” a few weeks ago in Maine-et-Loire. She is now competing for the national title.

78 departments and thirteen regions have joined this adventure initiated by Maud Perault, nursing home nurse in Brion who organizes it in a personal capacity. 760 residents, 96 nursing homes, 78 hairdressing schools participate.

Voting is open until April 26 inclusive, 8 p.m. To vote: link on the competition Facebook page.



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