Thinking About Trying a New Diet? Ask Yourself These 4 Questions Before You Start
DayFR Euro

Thinking About Trying a New Diet? Ask Yourself These 4 Questions Before You Start

Weight loss diets should only be followed for health reasons, when prescribed by a medical professional. However, many people have taken the plunge without necessarily knowing that they present health risks. Experts specializing in nutrition therefore recommend questioning themselves personally before starting, with these four examples, in order to determine whether this is the case or not.

Overweight and obesity, which affect 32% and 15% of people over 18 in France respectively, constitute a real public health problem that requires management by a health professional and may justify the implementation of a diet under medical supervision. However, in many cases, weight loss dietary practices are adopted in the absence of excess weight or any medical indication, for essentially aesthetic reasons. However, following a series of more or less fanciful weight loss diets can put your health at risk, unlike a balanced, personalized and well-followed diet. Among the possible harmful consequences, the Ministry of Health cites a loss of muscle and bone mass, which can lead to an increased risk of fracture, risks to the kidneys, bones and heart, weight gain greater than the weight lost or even poor self-esteem in the event of failure. The quest for thinness and the proliferation of diets that can be followed alone have led public authorities to question the risks associated with these practices.

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In 2010, ANSES* produced a very informative report on the dangers of diets, and recalled the fact that this approach must be supported by…


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