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Why Do I Sweat So Much? Here Are 9 Possible Causes to Explore

Sweating is a natural and necessary phenomenon to regulate body temperature. Excessive sweating occurs when the amount of sweat produced exceeds the volume necessary for thermal regulation, with the risk of significantly impacting the quality of life of those who suffer from it. The causes are not identified in cases of primary hyperhidrosis, but hyperhidrosis can also be “secondary” if different factors are involved. Here are the most common ones.

Did you know that excessive sweating has a name? It is called “hyperhidrosis”. Of course, we all sweat because this process is essential for the functioning of the body. Thus, in normal times (without sustained physical effort or excessive heat), the body produces approximately 0.5 liters of sweat per day according to Health Insurance. However, in some people, sweating is too significant: this is hyperhidrosis. While it is difficult to define excess sweat quantitatively, this problem is identified by various symptoms. The first is none other than “the hands become easily wet, to the point of causing discomfort when holding a steering wheel, working on a computer, using tools or shaking someone else’s hand.”, indicates Health Insurance. Furthermore, “the body sweats so much that the person concerned is afraid to do sports, or to dance with other people, for example” and this without forgetting the fact that “the excess sweat requires showering and changing several times a day.”

Also discover: Sweat helps eliminate toxins… truth or misconception?

In nine out of ten cases, excessive sweating is localized to certain body regions and occurs symmetrically. The areas most often affected are: the armpits, the palms of the hands, and the soles of the feet, knowing that this…


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