Between two publications on the intimate and political significance of her body and her sexuality, “EmRata” deploys some sulphurous selfies in a bikini on Insta. And causes a lot of reaction, naturally.
“Your breasts are bigger than your face!” : Emily Ratajkowski shares bikini selfies and the hunks are out
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“Your breasts are bigger than your face”
These kinds of remarks worthy of Paul Eluard are what “EmRata” aka Emily Ratajkowski receives in her notifications every day. The model and author broke the Internet again by posting a few sultry selfies in a red bikini on her Instagram account. And causes a lot of reaction, naturally, putting at the heart of all the debates… His chest.
Breasts judged “too big”, “perfect”, “obsessive”, about a publication which nevertheless takes the form of a slideshow and is not simply “sexy”. But Emily Ratajkowski is used to these reflections… Between two publications on the intimate and political significance of her body and her sexuality, she does not receive the most distinguished tributes.
And again: the rednecks here are particularly outgoing.
“EmRata” breaks the Internet again with her bikini photos… And still divides so much among feminists: why?
The “dog guys”, omnipresent in the influencer’s film?
That's an understatement. Anthology of the worst: “There’s something to eat,” “They're bigger than usual, aren't they?”, “Has she had an operation?“, “I zoomed so much”, “It's hard to be gay when you see that”, “You can do whatever you want to me”, “Your breasts are bigger than your face”, “It's la MILF the sexiest in the world“.
Between two Tex Avery wolf gifs and other very subtle allusions. Gifs involving lewd gestures, milk, outraged reactions of pop culture characters… And we'll spare you the less gentlemanly formulations. That’s saying something.
And this obsessive body, EmRata sets it up as a militant symbol. Yes yes.
Yes, EmRata shows her body on social networks, to her tens of millions of followers. In a bikini, in lingerie, or sometimes, completely naked. But her image is also a part of her experience, her feminine condition, and her awakening to feminist issues. Even if it involves glamour, sexy, nude – like in art galleries.
-Moreover, her book, a feminist manifesto, is precisely entitled: My Body. My body.
Yes, Emily Ratajkowski's top model silhouette totally corresponds to the diktats normalized by fashion, the cult of diets and women's magazines, and today, by influencers, particularly on Instagram. To many people, this body seems almost unreal, as it is so archetypal: both very fine and provided with shapes that border on a sort of hyper-sexualization. We readily accuse “EmRata” of participating in this hyper sexualization which generously flatters the gaze of men, the famous “male gaze”, applying his desires to him.
But for the main person concerned, this sexuality, and this body, constitute a force, almost a language. With the feminist slogan “The intimate is political”, EmRata, who denounced the sexual violence of which she was allegedly a victim at the time of the famous Burried Lines clip, affirms in her book published in January 2022 that her desire for autonomy and of fulfillment is inseparable from this hyper-mediatized appearance. Like singers like Cardi B or Megan Thee Stallion, Emily Ratajkowski makes “sexy” a power within a patriarchal society.
“Eroticism is a power, the body is an instrument”
Is EmRata a “bad feminist”?
We dedicated an entire investigation to this subject.
Many women think so. Many activists are not at all convinced by his involvement. And by his incendiary selfies. And yet, for years, the model has been sending out trivialized sexism, misogyny from the cultural industries, and patriarchal power relations. “Hollywood is a disgusting place… When I was making films, I never said to myself: 'Oh, I'm an artist who performs and this is my outlet.' No. I felt like a piece of meat…“, she denounced to the Los Angeles Times.
Tackling the dream factory in return: “All these men hate women! In Hollywood I felt like people were judging me and saying, 'Does she have anything to offer other than her breasts?… And maybe that's why right now I'm not really interested in male points of view. Because all of this sends us lies. It's a fucked up world. Like, Hollywood is fucked”… I really don't think about guys these days… I'm working, I'm a single mom!”
“Kim Kardashian and Emily Ratajkowski are not feminists,” headlined The Independent in 2016.
Really ?
We would rather like to quote the author Roxane Gay, to whom we owe the reference essay “Bad Feminist”: “I try to keep my feminism simple. I know that feminism is complicated, that it evolves and that it is not perfect. I know he won't solve everything and he can't solve everything. Like most people, I'm full of contradictions, but I also don't want to be treated like shit just for being a woman.“, she wrote.
And while we're at it, these words from another model, French: Frédérique Bel. Who asserts in this testimony about her daring nudes for Playboy : “I believe that eroticism is a power that men envy!. I'm comfortable with my body, I find it quite pretty, it's a gift from Heaven, it's also an instrument, when you're an actress, a lingerie model… If you had my body you would do the same!“
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