During the general assembly of Souillac cycling, the president Maryse Darnis sent a word of welcome and her thanks to all the actors who participated and helped the club for the smooth running of the events: Souillac town hall, Roc town hall, the sponsors and all volunteers.
The presentation of the activity report followed. The number of licensees is stable with a greater number in FF cycling. 332 runners participated in the Transouillagaise on April 7, 2024. Although the number of participants was down (perhaps in relation to another event in Daglan), the event took place successfully. All volunteers were invited to an aperitif in July.
Requested by the Souillac town hall (in collaboration with the rugby, tennis, swimming and handball clubs), the bodega evening was a success. The Ufolep au Roc race on July 21, with the support of the municipality and the festival committee, allowed 65 participants to compete on a now well-established course. The club also carried out 2 weekly road trips with circuits proposed by Alain Raffier.
The financial report is positive and has recorded profits this year. Following the votes on these reports for the year 2024, the present assembly discussed future projects. The organization of the Transouillagaise was mentioned and few people still feel capable of getting involved in this event. The Souillac race requires a large number of marshals in order to secure the circuit and, already last year, we were unable to organize it due to a lack of volunteers. In conclusion, the office decided that the Transouillagaise is put to sleep. For this year the Souillac race will not be repeated.
-The club will participate in the “Bodega” festival in Souillac on June 6 and 7, 2025.
The Roc race scheduled for July 20 is maintained.
License prices: Ufolep, 81 euros; FFvélo, €106 Outings planned for Tuesday and Thursday (call 06 86 87 53 10). Active membership card: €40.
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