The series “Bété Bété” returns with its season 2 for a 13th episode where traditions and caste dynamics are in the spotlight. The plot focuses on the families of two long-time friends, Alkali Sall and Makhoudia Tall, from the Guéér and Teug castes respectively. Despite a strong friendship, they must face ingrained social prejudices.
One of the central aspects of the story revolves around the impossible relationship between Alkali and Daba Thiam, separated by caste constraints. From this relationship was born Diouma, a daughter not recognized by Alkali, accentuating family tensions. Indeed, Daba’s father, Ndiaga Thiam, is deeply angry with Alkali because of this situation.
Marème Sall, wife of Alkali, fights to preserve the purity of her lineage by refusing to interact with members of the Gnégnos caste. On the other hand, Makhoudia Tall manages the complexity of a polygamous marriage with his two wives, a Guéweul and a Teug, illustrating the multiple facets of Senegalese society.
-By illustrating these different tensions and social dynamics, “Bété Bété” offers introspection on the lasting effects of castes within Senegalese society. This text was initially published by our colleagues from the Kawtef site.
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