This caustic comedy, performed by actors Olivier Etique and Francis Charmillot, was a great success at the end of last year in the Delémont valley.
Also workshops
Les Mordus de la scène have decided to take a new step by focusing on exploring other facets of theater, before staging a new theatrical project next year.
Acting workshops will be organized for members, while courses will be offered to teenagers and discovery workshops will be open to younger people. At the same time, the association wishes to enrich the cultural offerings of Bure by offering pieces from elsewhere.
With this in mind, “To your good heart!” will confront two diametrically opposed characters: a beggar, a popular figure formerly called “the bell”, and a banker ready to do anything to maximize his gains.
Both will demonstrate that appearances are deceptive and that things are never as simple as they seem. A funny face-to-face, spiced up by numerous twists and turns, where humor mixes with reflection.
Reservations, between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m., on 079 306 62 84, or on
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