There were 580 people this Monday evening at the CGR in Bourges to watch a preview of the fourth part of Les Bodins: The Bodin’s are going into a tailspin.
A session quickly taken by storm which was complete in two weeks. The comic duo from the Centre-Val de Loire region, played by Jean-Christian Fraiscinet and Vincent Dubois, traveled through Berry in one evening, to attend three previews in Châteauroux first, Bourges then Vierzon to close the evening. “It’s our first preview evening, then we’re going to tour all over France, we love it, if we couldn’t meet people like that, we’d be frustrated. And here in Bourges, it’s our core audience, so it’s always good times with people,” rejoiced the duo of actors.
Released March 19
After the success in 2021 of Bodin’s in Thailandwhich has accumulated nearly 1,600,000 entries, the duo flew to Morocco to defend their artisanal cheese factory. The film will be released in theaters on March 19.
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