In early June, Princess Aisha of Jordan announced her engagement to Karim El Mufti, a classmate of Crown Prince Hussein. Six months later, her twin sister Sara is also preparing to get married. The 27-year-old young woman celebrated her engagement to Ali Al Sawaf, in the presence of members of the Hashemite royal family, on Wednesday January 15. A ceremony organized by the young woman’s father, Prince Faisal of Jordan, who invited his brother Abdallah II to the festivities. Queen Rania, for her part, was unable to attend the event. She was in fact in the United States, during a meeting with Melania Trump.
Sports et architecture
Princess Sara wore a floral Valentino dress for her engagement. An outfit that echoed the multiple bouquets arranged behind the bride and groom. Ali Al Sawaf, the princess’s fiancé, is a former student of King’s College – as is Prince Hussein. A course at the end of which he obtained a computer science diploma. Before becoming an engineer specializing in artificial intelligence. Princess Sara, for her part, holds a bachelor’s degree in interior architecture and a master’s degree in design from the University of Westminster.
The young woman is also committed to the development of the sports sector in Jordan. She thus serves as deputy director of the Olympic Preparation Center. If the date of her wedding has not yet been announced, Sara bint Faisal will certainly be able to count on the presence of her big sister, Princess Ayah, married since 2014 and mother of three children, and her big brother, Prince Omar . His half-brothers, Princes Abdullah and Mohammed, could also be there.
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