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The author and illustrator Mathieu Persan, winner of the Premières Lignes prize, will come to on February 1st

Mathieu Persan’s first novel was released in March 2023.


Mathieu Persan, “recognized for his retro-style work”, underlines his publisher L’Iconoclaste, will meet readers at the André-Labarrère media library on Saturday February 1 at 11 a.m.

The editorial team advises you


But first, on January 31, he will go to the remand center. Because among the 250 readers, we can count a group of 10 inmates from the Pau remand center. Another group of 28 comes from the staff of the Pau Béarn Pyrénées community and 10 readers are at the Pépinière reading relay. This third edition also made it possible to reach 50 new readers compared to the 2022 edition.

The principles of the Premières Lignes prize have remained unchanged in previous editions: readers had to read the 6 selected novels over 7 months, participate in exchanges between readers and finally vote for their favorite novel before October 20. In 2025, a competition on books for young people will take over, with the Premières Lignes prize not returning until January 2026.


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