DayFR Euro

/ Concert: Georgian songs with the Pueri Cantores ensemble from Daegu

/ Concert: Georgian songs with the Pueri Cantores ensemble from Daegu

More than two hundred spectators Sunday afternoon at the cathedral to listen to the Pueri Cantores ensemble from Daegu (South Korea), the region where the Sisters of Saint Paul of Chartres originate, with a reduced formation of nine choristers led by Sister Catharina Kim Jung-Sun alternating with Paulo Hong and accompanied on the piano by Benedicto Kim, this choir was created in 1994 and is generally composed of 63 members.

Since its creation, Pueri Cantores has been invited to participate in several international Gregorian chant festivals giving concerts in Belgium, , Italy, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Japan, Australia, the United States, Monaco and Hungary.

Tomorrow at the cathedral of Chartres, the Pueri Cantores de Daegu ensemble performed the Greek chants (messe, orbis factor, Gloria, sanctus, agnus dei), Magnificat, Antiphona et Montes Gelboe by Henrik Ødegaard, Ave Maria by Guy Forbes, Confitemini Domini de Patti Drennan, Adoramus te Christe de Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina and Become God’s story by Allen Pote.


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