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Weekend replays: mobile psychiatrist, technofossils, nursing homes…


Patients from Beaujon hospital, during a theater workshop, in (Hauts-de-Seine), October 16, 2021. PENELOPE CHAUVELOT / GOGOGO FILMS

This week, the great art of old age. With Philippe Bouvard, 95 years old, including seventy years of marriage and sixty years of radio; a quarter of a century of the Anthropocene, which makes human beings a geological force equal to millennia-old volcanoes; the “Ehpad business”, which enriches “old age profiteers” investors. And this mobile psychiatrist in sneakers who walks the corridors of Beaujon hospital in search of time wasted by his patients.

Philippe Bouvard, 70 years of media career

Philippe Bouvard, during the recording of the “Grosses Têtes” show in the RTL radio studios, in , March 29, 2010. PATRICK KOVARIK / AFP

Ninety-five years of existence, seventy of marriage, as many careers, spent writing thousands of articles and columns for Le Figaro, -Soir, -Matin, Paris Match… and above all to host shows that have become monuments in the history of radio and television: “Les Grosses Têtes” (which RTL entrusted to him without believing it 1is April 1977) and “Le Théâtre de Bouvard” (launched in 1982). Even reduced to their most succinct forms, The Thousand and One Lives of Philippe Bouvard impress. Evoking them in just over an hour is a challenge.

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