DayFR Euro

film screenings and activities for seniors

As part of an awareness cycle around the theme “living places and advancing age; open the field of possibilities”, initiated by the Intercommunal Center for Social Action (CIAS) of Pays Tarusate, in partnership with the Territoires des Possibilities association, four meetings reserved for seniors around cinematographic screenings are organized, namely a cinema- discovery, four café-cinemas and a film exhibition.

The first meeting will take place on Thursday January 23, at 2:30 p.m., in the Maison des associations, avenue de la Chalosse, in Pontonx-sur-l’Adour, for a discovery film around the film “Vivement Dimanche… et tous the other days! “. The story of four friends with very different life trajectories, brought together by their questions about where they live. This half-joyful, half-serious discussion will turn out to be full of surprises.


Thursday January 30 at 2 p.m., in the Meilhan Municipal Council room (164, rue Félix-Robert), will be screened “For tomorrow, everything is permitted? » in the context of a cinema café. On February 6, at 2 p.m., still in Meilhan, another café-cinema around the documentary “The right choice… or the right choice for me”. Finally, on February 20, in Pontonx, “Aging together is up for discussion”.

“Through this cycle of four meetings, the aim is to address the question of the role of one’s place of life in advancing age, from a new, even playful, angle,” explains Amélie Vérail, social support manager. within the Territoires des Possibles association, which will host the meetings of this cycle.


“All these sessions are free and will be followed by a snack and a time for discussion with the public,” announces Patricia Loubère, mayor of Meilhan and vice-president of the community of municipalities in charge of the CIAS.

Activities financially supported by the Conference of funders for the prevention of loss of autonomy of elderly people from the Landes department, Carsat Aquitaine and Humanis.

(Upon prior registration at 07 62 32 51 17.
