Pedernec (22). Fest-noz “ba’r bourk”, at 8:30 pm, party room. With Hamon Martin Quintet, ZOÑJ, Angela Lorho-Pasco and Gweltaz Lintanf, Ausias-Lever-Crué, Berardy-Suignard-Bouliou. 6/8 €.
Plédran (22). Fest-noz “Les Zef et Mer”, at 9 p.m., Horizon complex. With: TiTom; HipNoz; Litha. €8
Plouguernével (22). Fest-noz of Kelc’h Keltiek Rostren, at 9 pm, premises of the Celtic circle. With Andre-Lefebvre, Baliskis, Drumel-Lamandé, Canfarted Rostren, Le Corre-Fustec., Le Goff-Kerjean, Men in glaz, Laurence-Derrien, Campo-Guerveno-Boulic, Philippe-Keravis. 5 €.
Saint-Avé (56). Fest-noz of Div Yezh Sant Teve, at 9 pm, Jean-Le-Gac room. Organized by the association Div yezh Sant Teve. With Tastard-Merket Quartet, LanvaoBreizik and the duo Le Quentrec. 7 €.
Sunday January 19, 2025
Ferel (56). Pengobilo’s day party, at 2:30 pm, multipurpose room. With Kan-Korolls, Lutig, Pengobilo, Imoret Mat. 6 €.
Guiclan (29). Fest-deiz by Krog Mad, from 2:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., Le Triskell room. With Sell ta Piou and Joël and Domi duo. €6.
Guingamp (22). Fest-deiz of Ti ar Vro Guingamp, from 2:30 pm to 6 pm, 3, place du Champ-au-Roy. With Le Balc’h-Renault, Tremen, Marc Thouenon and Stal Kan Ti ar vro. 6 €.
Hennebont (56). Fest-deiz, at 2:30 p.m., Vallon Boisé room. Organized by Soutien-Addicts Hennebont as part of January Years of Alcohol. With Trouzerion ZinZag, Evel Just, TytY and Touminet. €5.
-La Trinité-Surzur (56). Fest-deiz at 2:30 pm, Jobeline room. Organized by Baleerion Lann. With Castle, Litha, Singers of the Trinity. 7 €.
Le Foeil (22). Fest-deiz, at 2:30 p.m., village hall. Organized by the Pierre Moulin association. With MSA Trio and the Jégou-Corbel and Ribaut-Blanchard duos. €6.
Le Sel-de-Bretagne (35). Fest-deiz, at 3 p.m., Ty Ar Men multipurpose room. With students from the Les Menhirs music school. Free.
Montfort-sur-Meu (35). Fest-deiz Cœur de Breizh, from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m., Salle du Confluent. For the benefit of the Restos du Cœur, Breton dances hosted by local groups and students from the École de Musique du Pays de Brocéliande (EMPB).
Plouézec (22). Fest-deiz, at 2:30 p.m., Ostrea room. Organized by the Klask eun tu association. With Kerouez and the Grandpa sonneurs. €6.
Saint-Cast-le-Guildo (22). Fest-deiz, at 2 p.m., Salle d’Armor. Organized by the Celtic circle Les Embruns. With Asteure, Land Segal trad and the bell ringers of Embruns. €6.
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