The show will never have managed to settle down. In August 2024, BFMTV lance Liberty, equality Brunet!, broadcast Monday to Friday between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. To host the program, the channel chose to focus on Eric Brunetwho will form a duo with Alice Darfeuille. Unfortunately, the audience success will not be there for the program, renamed 20h Brunet in the month of October.
A few weeks later, Alice Darfeuille informed the management of BFMTV that she no longer wished to co-host the program. According to information from the Audiovisual letter outings at that time, the pair “would no longer have suited” the journalist.
Alice Darfeuille: she reveals the real reasons for the end of her duo with Eric Brunet
This Friday, January 17, Alice Darfeuille answered questions from our colleagues at TV Mag. The journalist returned to the end of her collaboration with Eric Bruet, and wanted to clarify the situation. “We have read a lot about this but I want to say, to begin with, that the problem was not at all Éric Brunet“, she said in the preamble.
For Alice Darfeuille, the problem was more about the construction and organization of the show. “The way this show was thought of, constructed, and what we asked Éric Brunet to do… In fact, we considered that we could have a two-hour show rest, at 8 p.m. as a bonus, on someone who had absolutely no time to prepare it, imagine it and think about it, in this case Eric. His schedule at RTL did not allow him“, she explains.
-Over the weeks, Alice Darfeuille ended up feeling a form of frustration, even though she was totally invested in the construction of the show.I was asked to prepare this show, to organize it with the team around me without ultimately having the latitude on air to match the work I was doing. It’s very frustrating not to see the work we’ve put in reflected on air.“, she adds.
Since January 10, viewers can find her from Friday to Sunday on BFMTV, from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m., at the helm of 20h BFM.
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