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It is the conjunction of Venus with the rigorous Saturn which is the aspect of the day, and as far as you are concerned, it is located in a sector (the 12th) which encourages you to forget what can cause you pain, or what gets you into trouble. It’s a mode of defense like any other… However, this aspect can be interpreted differently: you are worried about a person you love and who is not doing well morally or physically. You can also be on bad terms with your darling who pretends to ignore you, who sulks you…
The meeting between Venus and Saturn is apparently not negative for you, at least less so than for your neighbor Gemini. It forms a positive angle with your 2nd decan and indicates that you have one or more solid friendships on which you can rely. Besides, you have proof of it right now: if you need a helping hand, we won’t refuse you anything. For your part, you too are ready to do anything to help a friend who is in trouble, you will devote time to him even if it disrupts your plans.
As promised, I will explain to you why some natives of the 2nd decan have difficulty coping with the current situation, which brings together Venus and Saturn at the zenith of your zodiac. You may deplore the attitude of a superior or a parent who, it seems, has no form of empathy towards you, even though that is what you need. But you may also miss someone, or feel lonelier than usual. Boredom may also overwhelm you momentarily, and you hate that.
You may not be unhappy with the conjunction between Venus and Saturn, active until Saturday. It is in phase with your 2nd decan and seems to be promising if you need to be reassured about the feelings that people have for you, about their solidity and their authenticity. You may also have met someone older than you and been safe with that person. Some of you will, however, feel a little alone, perhaps because they are too demanding, because they expect too much from others?
Until Saturday, Venus and Saturn will be in conjunction in the sign of Pisces which represents, for you, the area of finances, but also that of crises (jealousy, rivalry, etc.). But we can interpret the situation in several ways. If it is a question of love, obviously, we will think of a crisis which could allow you to put things straight… However, it can also be a question of money, and especially of the fear of missing out which risks to encourage you to make bad decisions.
In front of you, 2nd decan, Venus joins Saturn and the conjunction will be active until Saturday. Obviously, as you can imagine, it’s not very easy to live with, either because you have to swallow a snake, or because you have a difficult choice to make, especially born around September 7, 8 and 9. You may also be afraid of how others will react to the choice you make. Unless you decide to seriously commit to a relationship, or with someone older than you.
Your ruling planet, Venus, comes into conjunction with your second ruler, i.e. Saturn. Don’t worry, it happens once a year, but it’s the last time for a long time in Pisces. This sign represents for Libra the world of work, their daily life and how it is organized. But it is also representative of your relationships with your colleagues and it is possible that one of them will be missing, which will cause you more work; your nerves will take a hit!
The aspect of the day is favorable to your 2nd decan (November 2 to 12). This is a meeting between Venus and Saturn which may seem a little too “cold” at first and which indeed can produce cold (weather). But as far as you are concerned, this situation is reassuring on an emotional or financial level because it represents stability, something constructive and lasting. Even financially, you could use a lot of common sense.
The mood is less optimistic! In particular, if you are from the 2nd decan: Venus meets Saturn until Saturday and this takes place in Pisces, sector 4 of your zodiac, that of family and home. You may be expecting something from your family and realize you won’t get it. Unless you are afraid for the health of one of your parents… Concerning the house, there is something “old” that perhaps needs to be changed.
Venus and Saturn are conjunct until Saturday, but as Capricorn, you will not suffer from it, on the contrary. It may even be that a relationship is stabilizing, or is being built on healthy and solid foundations. And with Venus, we think of a romantic relationship or for some, something pleasant that could be similar to a brother/sister relationship. There is indeed complicity between you and this person. But perhaps a meeting or a proposal awaits you (born around January 4, 5, 6).
The meeting of Venus and Saturn can have two interpretations. Either it’s about money, and it seems like you’ll be inclined to frustrate yourself, to deny yourself something you want. Maybe, too, you need to save money! The situation can also concern your love life: some feel alone and lack cuddles and tenderness, while others, on the contrary, appreciate being single to the extent that they need to feel free from all attachments.
At home, right in the middle of your 2nd decan, Venus meets Saturn, and this can produce very different situations for everyone. First, this brings to mind a problem of loneliness, of lack of love, felt very strongly by some while others will be less in demand because they have compensation. Then, a recurring money problem may arise and it will depress you because you don’t know when you’ll get out of it… Saturn will leave your sign next May.
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