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“Movement and breath, Leonardo da Vinci and the science of painting”

Since 2005, the Museum of Fine Arts has hosted conferences organized by the École du Louvre. For this 36th cycle of conferences, meet from February 27 to April 3 at the amphitheater of the Mercure hotel at the station, for five courses dedicated to an essential artist in the history of art: “The movement and breath, Leonardo da Vinci and the science of painting”.

Cycle of 5 conferences “Movement and breath, Leonardo da Vinci and the science of painting”
By Stefania Tullio Cataldo-Morand, art historian, lecturer, École du Louvre

From 1550, Leonardo da Vinci appears under the pen of Giorgio Vasari, his first biographer, as the initiator of “la maniara moderna” in painting. Described as “an artist with divine breath”, he manages to give “life” to forms. Leonardo, a free artist par excellence, courted by the most famous patrons of his time – from Ludovico Le More to François I – imposed a new social representation of the genius artist. He shaped his life like the Prince to the point that posterity retains the very beautiful image, nevertheless forged by Vasari, of his death in the arms of the King of himself. From portraits to private devotional paintings, from altarpieces to historical paintings, Leonardo da Vinci addresses all genres. The twenty pictorial masterpieces that have come down to us reveal a meticulous and thoughtful creative process, nourished by the study of nature and scientific research. How can such a small body of work contain so many technical and stylistic innovations and shake up the history of art to such an extent?

  • Thursday February 27 at 6:30 p.m.
    Leonardo da Vinci: between myths and realities – exploring the sources and critical fortune, from the Renaissance to the 19th century
  • Thursday March 6 at 6:30 p.m.
    The formative years: understanding the genesis of a genius
  • Thursday March 13 at 6:30 p.m.
    Leonardo’s masterpieces in Milan: towards the representation of the world of the soul
  • Thursday March 27 at 6:30 p.m.
    Leonardo’s return to Florence: the breath of life
  • Thursday April 3 at 6:30 p.m.
    Between a Pope and a King, Leonardo from Italy to France, from painter to philosopher: painting as a spiritual testament?

Duration : 1h30
Lieu : Amphitheater of the Mercure hotel, 21 bis avenue de la gare, (200 seats)

Information on 02 98 95 45 20
Registrations are for the full cycle of 5 conferences.

Full price: €75
Reduced rate (under 26 years old, job seekers, RSA and AAH beneficiaries): €45

Two registration methods are offered to listeners on →

  • Online, by credit card from the Ecole du Louvre website. Payment is completely secure. Registration is validated upon payment, confirmed immediately by email.
  • By correspondence with payment by check by downloading the registration form. The processing time for registrations may be longer. Your registrations are confirmed within approximately 2 weeks.

The cycle will take place if 60 registrations are gathered by February 13.


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