DayFR Euro

Ela Minus between diary and culture club with “Dia”

The Colombian broadens her electronic horizons without denying any of her inner tumults.

First of all, it’s a change of scenery. The quasi ambient Open Mount, landscape piece inspired by the Mexican mountains which opens Yes, second album by Ela Minus, transports us not far from the alien Native American panoramics of Koudlam – an artist who we will think of several times throughout this great tour. The statement of intent shows that Minus’ courage has more than one face.

After Acts of Rebellion (2020) therefore, the Colombian deploys more horizontal , a broader horizon. The approach and the words, however, become more introspective. “I don’t know if I ever made the distinction between the political and the personal,” she told us in 2020.

Something of the roughness of The Knife

The pop flashes of the previous album are replaced by a continuous but surreptitiously changing light, dynamic and harshly textured. A moving and moving iridescence that can get carried away at any moment. In the middle of this ridge line of twisted hospitality caressing melodies burst forth – there is here in Minus a certain catalepsy of song which blossoms in “rough” (the single Broken) and the most threatening “ha ha ha” on Idols.

Let’s reassure ourselves: Ela Minus still does not seek perfection and sometimes tends towards the rough The Knife of the immense Shaking the Habitual (2013). The dancefloor returns in bursts (“they thought we would forget that we knew how to fly”, says the conclusion Combat) before asserting itself more frankly. And precious then is this fire which smolders in Ela Minus.

Yes (Domino/Sony Music). Released January 17. In concert on February 3 at the Zénith -La Villette.


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