In addition to Everyone wants to take their place on France 2, Cyril Féraud hosts another daily show on France 3, the concept of which was born when he couldn’t sleep.
This man is at the head of not one, but two dailies! In addition to being the presenter of Everyone wants to take their placeoffered every midday on France 2, Cyril Féraud is also every day of the week on France 3 in Family duels. “I have the chance to present these two games which are French creations“, the host confides to us. During the rest of our interview, the host who will celebrate his 40th birthday in 2025, also wanted to tell us of the immense satisfaction that the game of Three, created during a sleepless night, brings him.
Cyril Féraud explains the funny way in which the concept of Family duels on France 3
Broadcast every afternoon of the week on France 3 just before Slamthe game he left, Family duels works well. “This is the third season and the best in audiences since the start of the school year“, welcomes the face of France Télévisions. For several months, the general culture game, “French creation“, regularly manages to exceed 900,000 viewers. “It’s a pride because it’s a game that we imagined with my teams“, he continues. Developed by several people, this show was nevertheless born from the brain of Cyril Féraud, in a particular context. “I had this idea during a sleepless nightI couldn’t sleep, I took my phone, I went to the ‘notes’ and I wrote the concept“, he remembers.
Cyril Féraud discusses the audience success of Family duels : “I’m really proud of it, because we started from a blank slate.”
Far from only thinking about himself and his successes, the one who spent his first Christmas with his son finds another reason to be fulfilled thanks to Family duels. “Beyond the audiences, my joy is seeing the smiles on the families’ faces after filming five shows. Even if they won very little or nothing. They tell me that they will remember this experience, shared between them, for the rest of their lives.“, he rejoices, aware that he is offering a unique experience currently on television. “I’m really proud of it, because we started from a blank sheet by thinking about what we could do that had never been done for France 3“, he concludes.
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