Public and private audiovisual sectors want to organize themselves into a sector, in the face of competition
DayFR Euro

Public and private audiovisual sectors want to organize themselves into a sector, in the face of competition

Competition from platforms, uncertainty over the financing of public audiovisual media…: audiovisual players, both public and private, want to organize themselves into a sector, ideally around “mid-October”, indicated Rodolphe Belmer, CEO of the TF1 group, in La Rochelle on Friday.

We discuss among ourselves the organization of the sector’s players into sectors“, launched the head of the TF1 group, Rodolphe Belmer, during a discussion as part of the Fiction Festival in La Rochelle.

This sector would aim to deal with the movements”tectonic“, according to the CEO of TF1, as, among other things, the competition from American platforms.

All industries are organized in this way, we are fragmented so far, ideally we would like to implement this sector by mid-October“, Rodolphe Belmer said.

This calendar has a first objective: to influence the debates for “financing of sustainable and visible public audiovisual media“, stressed the boss of TF1, a private giant.”Because we have always said it, public audiovisual is an essential player in the French ecosystem” he insisted.

Since the end of the license fee in 2022, public broadcasting has been financed by a fraction of VAT, according to a temporary mechanism, until the end of 2024.

Delphine Ernotte-Cunci, president of the public group France Télévisions, has sounded the alarm in recent months: without a vote on sustainable funding by the end of 2024, “Next year, the public audiovisual service will be budgeted like any other commodity” et “This is not a good system to guarantee independence“.

It is good that it is Mr. Belmer, head of TF1, leader of the sector, who proposes this idea of ​​a sector that defends itself together, it is quite strong in this period“, the leader stressed.


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