the essential
The young Toulouse singer Ella Laïrone recently released an EP, marked by a strong solar and emotional spirit on R&B and pop tunes. A new title will be released in February…
Very early on, Ella Laïrone knew what she wanted to do later. “I sang at home and friends passing through were always surprised to hear me from my room with my microphone and my amp. I started singing at the age when others were playing Barbie,” says her And we quickly explained to my parents that there was perhaps something to be done… Also, from the age of 10, when I entered middle school, I started quite quickly with the stage. “
She played in small places at first, restaurants, bars, and finally the young girl got noticed. Why not try singing competitions? The trophies fall and the passion takes shape, dad provides constant support and a first single is released. “At the beginning, I wrote and sang out of necessity, it was a sort of outlet to calm myself down, like others like to exercise every day. And as I had things to say, I decided to started writing songs, a bit like texts for a diary and that freed me. Then, I didn’t realize what was happening, I was experiencing it quite naturally in the end. I loved making music. and go on stage, so it wasn’t a job for me.”
Free voice and emotion
Then age advances, other aspirations emerge and the meeting with his composer Youcef Oumnoub decides on the more urban style which will make his mark. The profession begins, the compositions follow one another, the young woman learns the tricks of the trade. But we will have to wait seven years to see her again, convinced of the relevance of her choices, with new texts, new desires, “emotion, feelings, feelings to translate into words and the need to evoke time who passes.”
All these texts constitute the raw material for Ella Laïrone’s first album which was recently released. “I write all the time,” continues the artist. Of the twenty titles, some stood out like “The Heart of the People”, “I’ll Be There” or “You’ve Won”. The very elaborate orchestrations, the free voice and liberated, the festive, sunny approach characterizes these songs imbued with emotion and touching stories, all accompanied by clips shot with the greatest care. I am also keen to manage this part by taking care of the costumes, the artistic direction, the editing. While keeping in mind what I am.” The essential thing, in short…
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