In A taxi to Tobruk, a war film released in 1961 with Charles Aznavour and Lino Ventura, a group of French soldiers fighting against the Nazis in Libya find themselves isolated in the middle of the desert when their Jeep breaks down.
“A taxi to Tobruk”
The soldiers decide to sit in the sand and wait patiently for help. But one of them (Ventura), the most irascible of the group, decides to walk and get help, even if it means dying of thirst or running into a German squadron.
Reaction of one of the soldiers who watches him go: “Two sitting intellectuals go less far than a walking brute.”
Want to understand why so many Americans of all races and social classes voted for Trump?
Think of this cult line from dialogue writer Michel Audiard.
Because they are convinced that a brute who walks goes further than intellectuals who talk.
Trump may be heading in the wrong direction.
He may lead the country into a dead end.
But at least it works.
He moves forward.
He has a plan.
He’s not afraid to be afraid.
He doesn’t wear elbow-length white gloves or water in his wine.
He doesn’t ride on the brakes for fear of offending this or that category of people.
He doesn’t care what anyone thinks of him.
He says he’s going in that direction, and he goes there.
Whether you agree or not.
That’s what a leader is.
That’s what a leader is.
For decades, Americans have been led by politicians who talk in silence, walk on eggshells and go around in circles in their cage, for fear of offending the unions, the employers, the left or the right.
Trump, you guys, s’s wrong.
He’s a brute.
A horse remedy.
A stick of dynamite.
Who is against the saint-ciboirize of political correctness and conventions.
Who says a politician has to be polite to the press?
Who says a politician has to hide what he thinks?
Who says a politician has to respect his opponents?
Or be faithful to his wife?
It’s not written anywhere.
Trump, that’s it.
It’s Lino Ventura who refuses to sit down and stings in the desert.
We’ll see what we see.
I’m not saying that’s the right thing to do. Or that Trump is right.
I’m just saying that’s why so many men, women, whites, Latinos and blacks voted for Trump.
Because they’re fed up with politicians who don’t do anything.
We sat quietly in the desert, and help never came. We’re still in trouble.
So, let’s walk, what the hell!
No more half measures.
On va y aller «all in».
Even if it means stomping toes and making enemies.
The intellectuals sat down, we tried, and it didn’t work.
So let’s take out the brute.
Le bulldozer.
The tank.
Yes, the guy is ignorant. Rude. Vulgar. Abject. Thick. Cheeky. Lark.
And then?
Obama was brilliant, polite, elegant, a true gentleman. And what did it give? Did he help Joe Six-Pack who lost his job?
Jimmy Carter built houses for the poor.
And then? Did it get the country out of the shit?
So let’s put a stick of dynamite in the gear and blow it all up.
Canadians are not happy? “Fuck them. I don’t care. That’s the least of my worries.”
That’s it, Trump.
The best way to understand the phenomenon is to reread the reply from Michel Audiard, Jacques’ father, who has just made Emilia Perez.
“A walking brute goes further than two sitting intellectuals.”
Added one of the soldiers while watching the brute played by Lino Ventura disappear behind a dune, machine gun slung over his shoulder:
“I believe, doctor, that the Neanderthal man is putting it in our bones…”
That is to say “to shove it in our behinds…”
The middle finger well trained.
And a smile on his face.
Tuesday evening, pro-Palestinian activists went to demonstrate in front of a theater where Martin Petit was preparing to go on stage because they were “scandalized” by a joke that the comedian had made about Hamas.
These activists should read the interview that French comedian Sophia Aram gave to the magazine The Point.
“You can’t do humor without offending anyone,” she said. Humor shakes up and disturbs all dogmas and all beliefs. To impose respect is to impose silence. Because there will always be a moron who says he feels offended-shocked-hurt-bruised. And then, most people who say they’re offended pretend to be hurt to try to stop you from speaking…”
Coffee lovers who are vegan or allergic to lactose have filed a lawsuit against Starbucks, Tim Hortons and Second Cup because, for three years, they had to pay more when they asked to replace traditional cow’s milk with plant-based alternatives (milk). almond or soy) which nevertheless cost less.
Do you know why I would want to pursue these businesses? Because $6.65 for a pistachio latte is downright laughing.
So, Canada responded to the White House.
Do you want to overcharge the products we send you?
We’re going to overcharge your orange juice!
Big news!
Tax Florida oranges to respond to the Great Orange that lives in Florida!
Trump pulls out the atomic bomb? We’re going to give him a slap on the calf.
He’s going to see what he’s going to see…
Now, coincidence: do you know who died the same day Canada announced its decision?
Anita Bryant.
A former singer who was… spokesperson for the American orange juice industry!
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