Marie-Eve Janvier appreciates having Maripier Morin at her side to “destabilize” her
DayFR Euro

Marie-Eve Janvier appreciates having Maripier Morin at her side to “destabilize” her

During this period of media back-to-school, Marie-Eve Janvier learned the very day she went on air that Patricia Paquin, with whom she co-hosted the show The Lunch Girls for several years, would not be back and that she was replaced by Maripier Morin.

• Also read: Marie-Eve Janvier pays tribute to her mother’s body and her message resonates with many

• Also read: Maripier Morin is unable to pronounce the name of this Quebec actor

“Let’s just say that it shook me up to change partners so suddenly. This is my eighth year in the world of radio, and I know that it’s a world in which there are a lot of changes. I’m someone who’s very flexible in life, but that doesn’t take away the fact that when I heard the news, I found it difficult. That day, I started the day with one partner and ended it with another. But that’s just like radio; it moves quickly. An opportunity arose and my bosses decided to jump on it,” Marie-Eve told us. “Beyond that, it hurt me a lot to lose Patricia. I saw this girl every day, four days a week, and the bonds between us had become strong. She arrived at a time in my life when I needed that energy.”

No discomfort

Contrary to what has been said, there is no awkwardness between the new co-hosts following the hostess gift that Maripier gave Marie-Eve the day she arrived (she gave her sanitary napkins on air, because Marie-Eve had confided in her that she had urinary leakage due to her perimenopause). “It’s a storm in a teacup. Maripier’s gift didn’t make me feel uncomfortable at all and it’s not the revelation of a big secret on her part. On the contrary, it made me laugh a lot! We’re going to talk more and more about perimenopause, because it haunted my summer and I’m in it, since I’m going to be 40 this year. I need someone to come and shake up my foundations, otherwise I’m becoming too much of a school teacher; I’m very strict and disciplined. I like having someone who destabilizes me.”

Whirlwind year

Marie-Eve also told us that she was experiencing a great deal of mourning at the moment: that of the end of the musical comedy. Waitress. “This show has been a wonderful experience for me. Even before it started, I knew it was going to play a decisive role in my life. I enjoyed every second of it and I’m really proud of myself. I have a secret fantasy that it will come back one day,” says the woman who will devote herself exclusively to radio this fall. “It’s a choice. I need to take a break from it all because I’ve had a big year with the renovations on my house and my son who just turned one. It’s been a whirlwind year. Now, I want to enjoy my family a little, get to know my new radio partner and have some fun.”

The Lunch GirlsMonday to Thursday, 11:30 a.m., on Rythme.



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