After the crowds on Wednesday, the artistic adventure continues for the young singer Charles, candidate for the show Star Academy, selected for the semi-final, this Saturday, January 11. The family team is organizing a special support evening in Pléneuf-Val-André.
Duplex at the casino and fan zone at the Les Bains bar
“Saturday’s prime will be in duplex with Paris, at the cinema room of the Val-André casino. The live broadcast of the show will begin at 9:10 p.m.,” explains Gaël Doré, the young candidate’s father. And added: “For those who are not lucky enough to be able to come and attend, a fan zone will be set up at the Les Bains bar, place Général-de-Gaulle, with an indoor and outdoor screen.”
Collection of bracelets from 12 p.m.
The casino capacity is set at 360 people, “not one more, for security reasons”. The collection of bracelets is organized this Saturday, from 12 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., at the Régates municipal hall, located on the sea wall. “Spectators should expect to only leave the duplex room at the end of the show, around midnight,” warns Gaël Doré, organizer of the event, specifying that it will be possible to bring “a spade lunch and non-alcoholic drinks.
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