In 2024, Timothée Chalamet brought Kylie Jenner to the Golden Globes and unintentionally sparked a wave of rumors that culminated when Selena Gomez had to let everyone know thatin reality, no, she wasn’t telling Taylor Swift that Jenner had stopped Chalamet from taking a photo of her, but that she was telling Swift that two of her friends had started dating (which, in retrospect, may well have been true and concerned Meryl Streep and Martin Short). That was just to refresh your memory.
Because in 2025, the tradition continues: is Kylie, yes or no, welcome to this ceremony? A video in particular, showing Demi Moore, rewarded that evening for her performance in The Substanceseeming to blithely ignore the queen of cosmetics, has just reopened the debate. Or not at all? If only Selena could get involved! We summarize it all for you…
Demi’s ‘ignorant’ Kylie videos aren’t particularly damning
In one of them, Demi congratulates Elle Fanning under the insistent gaze of Kylie Jenner, seated to the right of the latter, then directly greets Chalamet, seated to the left of his girlfriend. Which clearly gives the impression that Demi doesn’t necessarily want to talk to the reality star, but after all, did Kylie really want to talk to her? Apparently the star of Ghost was congratulating the actors and Jenner knew perfectly well that she was only there as a “plus-one”.
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On another video, it’s more or less the same thing. Demi chats with Timothée; Kylie seems interested in the conversation but doesn’t do anything to intrude. She lets her boyfriend enjoy her moment of glory.
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