The 4 Best Anti-Diabetes Whole Grains
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The 4 Best Anti-Diabetes Whole Grains

When you suffer from type 2 diabetes (or when you have pre-diabetes), it is recommended to change some of your lifestyle habits to slow down (or prevent) the progression of the disease. Diet therefore plays a key role: against diabetes, it must be varied, balanced and especially low in sugar!

Whole grains are rich in dietary fiber.

Interviewed by our colleagues at Eating Well, American dietician-nutritionist Vandana Sheth tells us “her” anti-diabetes secret: whole grains ! Why are they beneficial in type 2 diabetes?For two reasonsanswers the expert. First, they are rich in dietary fiber. This slows down the digestion process and the absorption of sugars into the bloodstream, which prevents blood sugar spikes. Second, whole grains contain micronutrients that are beneficial for insulin sensitivity and blood sugar regulation – such as magnesium, chromium and folic acid (vitamin B9).“What are the whole grains favored by the dietician-nutritionist? First of all,oats. This cereal provides about 4 g of dietary fiber per serving (70 g). Among these fibers, we find in particular beta-glucans, molecules that slow digestion and reduce the increase in blood sugar after the meal.

Brown rice, quinoa, oats… (…)

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