Frédéric Taddeï admits to being “on the straw”
DayFR Euro

Frédéric Taddeï admits to being “on the straw”

The former host of “Ce soir (ou jamais!)” on France 2 had a prosperous period where he earned a lot of money. However, he blew it all and didn’t put anything aside.

He did not escape it. Friday, Jordan de Luxe received on C8 Frederic Taddeï and as usual, he asked his guest about his income. “When was the time when you earned the most money?”the host asked him. “At one point it was huge”the journalist first answered him, opening his eyes wide. “No, but everything is relative. For me, it’s huge, but for Laurent Ruquier it was nothing.”he stressed before specifying that his monthly salary at that time was around 50,000 euros. “But it didn’t last long.”he assured.

Unable to place this prosperous period in time, Frédéric Taddeï only remembered that it happened when he “had a lot of things”. “But not only on TV, I have a debate website, I’m on the radio on Europe 1, I write in newspapers – I don’t remember if it’s GQ or Le Figaro Magazine – where I tell about my travels…»he listed.

“I’m blowing everything, so inevitably I have nothing left”

Frederic Taddeï

With all this money, Frédéric Taddeï chose to take advantage of it and has everything “slammed”. “We travel a lot, we buy paintings, we buy everything we want to buy…”he admitted while minimizing the amount of his salary: “Honestly, I don’t know how much I earned. It wasn’t a fixed income, it was between 30,000 and 50,000.”.

Therefore, the journalist has nothing left today. He is not penniless since he continues to work at Europe 1 where he officiates every Sunday in “C’est arrivé demain” but he has no savings.I’m always broke because I spend everything, so inevitably I have nothing left. I have no more money in front of me. The only time in my life when I had money in front of me, that’s when I realized that I was earning a lot more than usual, it’s because I thought I had nothing left and in fact, there was still some.”he continued. And to conclude: “I don’t know how to save. In my family, my father didn’t save either and even though he was a banker, he was always broke.”.


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