Several banks do not hesitate to empty your bank account discreetly for a very specific reason!
Controlling your bank is essential on a daily basis in order to manage your finances and observe unexpected costs that slipped into your account. On the other hand, some notice that small amounts regularly disappear.
Direct debits from these banks
These fees, which are legal, often go unnoticed by customers. Please note, however, that they are clearly mentioned in the general conditions of your contract. This is a clause requiring regular use of your bank card.
If this rule is not respected, a repetitive amount is subject to a deduction from your account. Some banks define inactivity as not carrying out transactions with your bank card for a month or more.
These fees generally vary between three and five euros per month, depending on the bank. This system is mainly applied to free bank cards. These offers, attractive at first glance, often include strict conditions to avoid direct debits.
Several online banks implement these inactivity fees. Among them, Hello Bank charges three euros per month for customers of the Hello One and Hello One Duo offers if there are no transactions carried out with their card during the month.
Other banks such as Fortuneo, BoursoBank and BforBank have implemented the same system. This mode of operation aims to encourage users to be active to limit management costs.
An often misunderstood rule
The rules vary from bank to bank. Some require multiple payments per month to avoid these fees. While others accept that a simple ATM withdrawal is enough to avoid these fees.
One thing is certain, consumers must at all costs read the pricing conditions before subscribing to a bank card. On the other hand, these deductions can seem very restrictive. On the other hand, the legislation regulates them.
Banks are required to inform their customers of these fees. In addition, their amount remains limited by ceilings to avoid abuse. This regulation protects consumers, even if the responsibility for monitoring their accounts lies primarily with the customer.
Some banks show flexibility by offering solutions to offset these fees. BoursoBank, for example, offers the possibility of reimburse these direct debits if the customer requests it.
This type of measure demonstrates that financial institutions are sometimes aware of the problems that these fees can cause. The good news is that it's easy to protect yourself against these fees if you don't use your credit card.
Tips for avoiding fees
A simple monthly purchase, even a small amount, is generally enough to avoid these charges. You must therefore use your bank card regularly. And this, even for everyday purchases. You should also frequently check your account statements to spot any unusual charges.
Customers should also contact their bank to find out the exact conditions of use of your card. You can also contact your bank if charges seem unjustified to you. In some cases, a refund can be made.
Bank charges, even small ones, can add up over time. By remaining active and monitoring your accounts on a daily basis, you can easily avoid these charges and enjoy your bank card with complete peace of mind.
Whether you are a customer of Hello Bank, Fortuneo, BoursoBank or BforBankthese small actions will allow you to preserve your money and maintain control over your finances.
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