The day after Christmas, Queen Emeritus Sofia of Spain made a musical outing with her sister, Princess Irene of Greece. Queen Sofia attended the concert The Music of Recyclingorganized by Ecoembes. This charity concert promotes the learning of music for children in difficulty and the orchestra is made up of recycled musical instruments.
Read also: Queen Sofia and Princess Irene at the Christmas concert of recycled instruments
“Neither objects nor people are disposable and we all deserve a second chance”
The Queen Sofia Foundation is closely interested in the environmental initiatives that the Ecoembes company supports through its charitable missions. This December 26, Queen Sofia once again showed her interest and support for this company which manufactures recycled packaging and containers, and supports the entire production cycle from collection to sorting and processing. Ecoembes is also a partner of associations which clean the coastline and Queen Sofia participates several times a year in waste collection days on the beaches.
This December 26, the activity required less participation from Queen Sofia, the day after the Christmas celebration. The mother of the Spanish head of state attended the concert The Music of Recyclingorganized by Ecoembes. This solidarity concert is a tradition that Queen Sofia of Spain, 86, frequently honors. And as is often the case when she organizes a cultural outing, Queen Sofia takes her younger sister with her. Princess Irene of Greece, 82, whose health has declined sharply in two years and in particular her mobility, arrived in a wheelchair at the Gran Teatro CaixaBank. This magnificent theater occupies the old guard in the north of Madrid, an emblematic and prestigious location.
Read also: Queen Sofia and Princess Irene: cultural evening between sisters at the Teatro Real in Madrid
Queen Sofia and Princess Irene, an inseparable duo for cultural outings between sisters
Once again, Queen Sofia’s dignified appearance and sweet smile were highlighted by the Spanish press. The media Vanitatis, for its part, noticed the change in makeup of Queen Sofia, which would have “lost 10 years” thanks to her clothing style and her judicious makeup.
This year, the profits from the concert will be donated to the Spanish Federation of Food Banks (FESBAL), to help those affected by the deadly floods in the Valencian Community. Queen Sofia is very involved with food banks, through the activities of her foundation. For several years, she has visited each of the country’s food banks. The musicians in this concert are young people under 18 who come from vulnerable backgrounds. Young musicians play instruments made with recycled materials. Queen Sofia is the honorary president of the protection committee of this social project.
This year’s concert was special since it was also the 10th anniversary of this project. “Tonight we were able to celebrate a project that began ten years ago to demonstrate that neither objects nor people are disposable and that we all deserve a second chance,” said Nieves Rey, director of communications and marketing at Ecoembes, as reported by Corresponsables.
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