DayFR Euro

“A need to come together” for its director Emmanuel Courcol

We felt, from its first screening, in May in , that “En Fanfare” would not be quite a film like the others. The reception from both the public and the press was enthusiastic, and the session, punctuated by the appearance on stage of the Lallaing miners’ harmony (59), for a thunderous cover of Aznavour, was one of the times strong, unexpected, of the festival.

Emmanuel Courcol.


This fair and moving social comedy describes the relationship between two brothers who are completely opposite, a world-famous conductor (Benjamin Lavernhe) and a canteen employee (Pierre Lottin) playing in a municipal brass band in the North. It hit the screens on November 27. Since then, it has been “a triumph”, to use the title of the previous feature film by its director Emmanuel Courcol, 66 years old. 1.3 million entries in four weeks. This enthusiasm should not weaken.

What is the status of “En Fanfare” in theaters?

We are driven by very favorable word of mouth, we went from 630 copies in the first week to more than 900 theaters in the fourth week. Many cinemas ask us for this.

How do you explain this reception?

I think, I hope the film is successful (laughs)! In terms of promotion, we set up a fantastic partnership with the Fanfare and Amateur Federations, which accompanied the screenings during 250 screenings in . More generally, in my opinion, “En fanfare” meets a need. We are in a very fractured, depressed society: I think that the public expresses, in this success, its desire for something else, its desire to come together. It’s as if he was saying, while the political world continues to tear itself apart: “We’re better than that!” »

What surprises you the most about spectator feedback?

The strong identification. People often recognize themselves in the characters, find themselves in the situations. The film sparked a lot of discussion and confidences from spectators, about their relationship to music, family, organ donation, adoption…

Many cinemas are asking us for the film”

Did you expect such success?

We understood from the filming that something was happening. Several times, I got goosebumps watching the actors perform. The producer, Marc Bordure, who believed very strongly in the project, kept saying that we were going to “break everything”, in a form of brazen humor. We dreamed of reaching the million spectator mark… But I was cautious, because I had been disappointed by the failure of my penultimate film, “A Triumph”. You can never predict.

Were you able to benefit from adequate financing to produce the film?

Yes, we were able to mobilize a budget of six million euros. We did not receive the support of the CNC but we had that of the channels, France Télévisions, Canal+. We are lucky, in France, to be able to rely on a very effective financing system, even if it could be, in the selection of aided projects, a little more open. It remains marked by a chapel spirit inherited from the New Wave.


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