You are the local radio station of the Radio France group. When will the name change?
“January 6, 2025. France bleu is 44 radio stations in France, in a network born around 40 years ago. And now we will become Ici, Here Touraine for Indre-et-Loire. The idea is to create 360-degree media, digital, TV and radio. »
Has it been a while since you started getting closer to France 3?
“Yes, we have been doing a morning show together for 4 years, we have had a joint app for two years… All of this will be the culmination of this rapprochement. »
With some developments at stake?
“We are aiming for a slightly more modern offer, a new editorial offer which even more combines “local news, music and good humor”. With perhaps a little less chatter and more readability and coherence of our content. »
What does France bleu represent in Touraine?
“We have 28 employees in Indre-et-Loire, and around 40,000 listeners in Indre-et-Loire and Loir-et-Cher. We are the third radio station in terms of audience share in the department, behind France Inter and RTL. With 11:30 hours of local programs every day… We will try to continue to embody proximity and good humor. »
Are some of your shows well known to people from Tours?
“There’s the morning, of course; I wouldn't be surprised if we closed in the afternoon, Welcome home… We also did a show, podcasts, on crimes in Touraine for example. And here, we are going to release a new one: Leave. The idea will be, with each podcast, to introduce a site to families who want to visit. We are going to do it on all our radio stations: in Touraine, we are going to follow in the footsteps of Leonard in Amboise. »
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