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Company. After the accusations against Abbé Pierre, the Foundation faces a drastic drop in donations

The general delegate of the Abbé Pierre Foundation, Christophe Robert, called on Thursday for a “judgment” in the face of the drop in donations to the emblematic association fighting against exclusion, shaken by accusations of sexual assault targeting the Abbé Rock.

“We see that donations fell by 30% from July to November compared to the same period last year,” he declared, attributing this drop to “the effect of the revelations” made by the Foundation in July on the priest who died in 2007.

800 to 900 projects per year

However, “the resources that allow us to finance 800 to 900 projects per year to help the poorly housed come 97% from the generosity of the public,” he stressed.

“We hope for a start because there is an increase in the needs of homeless people, people who are victims of unworthy housing, people who are in unspeakable housing conditions,” added Christophe Robert, hoping not to be forced to “reduce the scope” of actions carried out on the ground “for the benefit of the most precarious”.

A name change in progress

Iconic figure in and founder of Emmaüs, Abbé Pierre has since July been the target of a series of testimonies from women on sexual violence committed between the 1950s and the 2000s.

In the wake of these revelations, a commission of independent experts was tasked with shedding light on the dysfunctions that allowed him to “not be worried” for his actions and the Church opened its archives concerning him.

The Abbé Pierre Foundation also announced that it had initiated steps to change its name. Announcements could be made to this effect as early as January, according to Christophe Robert.



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